Got a Swarm?

If you discover a honey bee swarm please contact our swarm co-ordinators
There are over 250 types of bees in the UK but there is only one european honey bee (Apis mellifera). Our members are volunteers who can only help with honey bees.
Kings Lynn and West Norfolk - Barry Thrower 07747 426888 or 01553 810001
North Norfolk - Barry Walker-Moore 07833 915340
Breckland - Trevor Nash 07955 166852
Broadland - Andy Jameson 07917 756015 / Sue Ives 01603 717880 or 07891 368502
Norwich - Paul Cain Mobile 07792 770678 / Corriena Scollay Tel 07561 324527
South Norfolk including Gt Yarmouth - Denise Drake 07796 387439 / Tristan Hanwell 01953 789281 or 07824 567447
Costs: West Norfolk and King's Lynn Beekeepers provide swarm collection services on a voluntary basis.
Very very few are full time beekeepers so we do urge you to double check that you have honey bees and not other insects before calling them away from work for possibly several hours.
We think it is reasonable that you make a donation for expenses such as fuel costs - the rest is down to you.
BUMBLE BEES, MASON BEES and other bees
These bees are harmless and numbers dwindle naturally as the year draws to a close. Please try and live with them as they contribute to the balance of the ecology. Some beekeepers may offer help with these bees : this is their personal choice since NBKA insurance only covers swarm collection of honey bees.
All Norfolk - Helen Copperthwaite. Phone: 01263 734682 . Email: [email protected]
All Norfolk- Mike Willis. Phone : 01493 369261
Kings Lynn and West Norfolk DC - 01553 616200
North Norfolk DC - 01263 513811
Breckland DC - 01362 656870
Broadland DC - 01603 431133
South Norfolk DC - 01508 533633
Norwich DC - 01603 212212